Monday, January 25, 2021

Case Study


·         What are some films that are similar to yours (genre, budget, audience, etc.)? How are they typically financed? Where does the money come from?

o    Complete a case study following a film of your choice from its inception all the way through to its exhibition:

§  History/target audience

§  Production

§  Distribution

§  Marketing

§  Cross-media convergence and synergy

·         What are some production companies that specialize in films similar to yours? Which of them would be ideal choices for producing your film?

A film similar to the one that I will be creating is “Saw”. This film has a very similar approach for what I am going far. For example, the two men that were taken woke up chained to pipes in a dirty bathroom and they have to complete a serious of tests and sadistic trials by a serial killer named “Jigsaw” in order to live. The production companies involved were Twisted Pictures, Evolution Entertainment, and Saw Productions Inc. The budget was $1.2 million for this film to take place. Some production companies that specialize in mystery/horror films are

-         The Safran Company

-         Troma Entertainement

-         Vertigo Entertainement

-         Twisted Pictures (produced Saw) and etc.

MMore information will be on this link...

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